Outfit Of The Day : Military Colors + Floral!

Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog
Eu nunca fui muito fan de polo, a não ser que seja uma realmente diferente, com estampa ou cores diferentes! Como esta da Cavalera que eu estou usando neste look. Eu sempre fui muito fan de floral e assim que eu bati os olhos nesta polo eu já sabia exatamente com que peças eu queria usa-lá. A minha ideia foi montar este look com cores que lembram muito a tendência militar ( tons terrosos, e verdes), porém um pouco mais chique e elegante.

Neste dia nós fomos até ao shopping para fazer algumas fotos e eu aproveitei para fazer umas comprinhas, o que foi ótimo, pois eu realmente tinha me esquecido como é comprar roupas pessoalmente já que eu estou sempre comprando online, haha.

I never was a very fan of polo shirts, unless it's a really different one, printed or with different colors! Like this one from Cavalera that I'm wearing in this look. I always have been a fan of floral prints and at the moment I hit the eyes on this polo I knew exactly with what pieces I wanted to wear it. My idea was to put together this look with colors that resemble a lot the military trend (earth tones, and greens), but a little more chic and stylish.

This day we went to the mall for some pictures and I took the opportunity to do a little shopping, which was great because I really had forgotten the feeling of buying clothes personally, since I'm always shopping online, haha.

Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog Look do Dia, Blog de Moda Masculina - Outfit Of the Day, Men's Fashion Blog
Photos by : Thiago R. Caetano

Olive Floral Polo/Polo Floral : Cavalera 
Khaki Trousers/Calça Khaki : Redley
Drivers/Mocassim : Ferracini 
Messenger Bag/ Bolsa Carteiro : Bennemann
Sunglasses/Óculos de Sol : Ui Gafas!
Bracelets/Pulseiras : Universo Maschio - Meniquetti 

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